Apache Tomcat tips and tricks

1. How to change the Apache Tomcat port?

Edit the tomcat/conf/server.xml configuration file.

The TCP port where the Servlet container will bind to accept plain HTTP requests is set in the Connector element:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           redirectPort="8443" />

2. How to run Apache Tomcat on two different ports?

To make the Servlet container accept plain HTTP requests on an additional port, for example on port 8081, edit the tomcat/conf/server.xml configuration file and add a new Connector element:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           connectionTimeout="20000" />
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           connectionTimeout="20000" />

Note, this will cause Tomcat to create one thread pool for each Connector. On Tomcat 10.1 by default the pool will have a minimum spare thread count of 25 and a max thread count of 200.

To modify the thread pool settings for the second Connector:

<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           connectionTimeout="20000" />
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           maxThreads="25" />

To make the two Connectors share a thread pool add an Executor and reference it like this:

<Executor name="sharedHttpThreadPool"
          maxThreads="200" />
<Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           connectionTimeout="20000" />
<Connector port="8081" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
           connectionTimeout="20000" />